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Current Awareness Alert Afghanistan: Home

General Note: Content

This Current Awareness Alert is designed to provide insights into recent events in Afghanistan.

Normally, only academic research and reports are included in Current Awareness Alerts; however, as events in Afghanistan are highly fluid, commentary, statements, and discussions from influential international security and foreign policy institutions in the United States and elsewhere are included.

This Current Awareness Alert is organized so that U.S.-produced resources are first, followed by resources from other NATO members, and then resources from non-NATO countries.  

As of 23 August 2021, the following are the most detailed open access resources about Afghanistan of which the USAHEC Library is aware.

RAND (United States)

Atlantic Council (United States)

Center for Strategic and International Studies (United States)

Royal United Services Institute (United Kingdom)

Polish Institute of International Affairs (Poland)

Observer Research Foundation (India)

Institute of South Asian Studies, National University of Singapore (Singapore)

Congressional Research Service (United States)

Council on Foreign Relations (United States)

Chatham House (United Kingdom)

Clingendael: Netherlands Institute of International Relations (The Netherlands)

European Council on Foreign Relations

The Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (Spain)

Lowy Institute (Australia)