The U.S. Army's Foreign Military Studies Office discovers and describes open source, foreign perspective insights of understudied and unconsidered aspects of the operational environment.
James Dobbins, Raphael S. Cohen, Nathan Chandler, Bryan Frederick, Edward Geist, Paul DeLuca, Forrest E. Morgan, Howard J. Shatz, and Brent Williams. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, 2019.
Charles K. Bartles. Military Intelligence Professional Bulletin 45, no. 1 (2019): 52-61.
Video available at:
Ryan W. Kort, Carlos R. Bersabe, Dalton H. Clarke, and Derek J. Di Bello. JFQ 94, (3rd Quarter 2019) 74-79. (Page 77 has a small chart of Nuclear Delivery systems that may be helpful.)