The EZproxy Prefix is
This prefix is combined with the article's permanent URL to create the EZproxy link, which gives USAWC users access to the article.
The URL in the browser window IS NOT the article's permanent link. Follow these steps to find the permanent link.
For examples from specific databases, go to tab "Finding the Links: Database Examples" in this guide.
Now that you have BOTH the EZproxy prefix AND the article's permanent link, you can build the EZproxy link that directs to the specific article for USAWC users.
Method One:
Formula: EZproxy Prefix + Permanent URL = EZproxy Link
Example: "" + "" =
EZproxy Link:
Method Two: Use Our Link Builder
"Masking" a link in Microsoft Office hides the long, complicated, or unsightly URL behind text.
Above: Example of article URLs hidden behind the hyperlinked texts "ProQuest", "OpenAccess" and "EBSCO OmniFile".
How to Mask a Link in MS Word:
Above: "Insert Hyperlink" pop-up window in MS Word.
Alternatively, paste your URL into MS Word first. Then right-click on the automated hyperlink to select "Hyperlink...", and change the "Text to display".
NOTE: Resident course directives, electives syllabi, and Library PAC usually use the name of the database or publisher as the Text to Display at the end of the citation; whereas the Department of Distance Education prefers to hide the URL in the article title.