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The Officer Profession: Leadership and Management

Leadership: Books

Toxic Leadership: General

Toxic Leadership: Journal Articles

"Horns of a Dilemma" podcast

Leadership: Journal Articles

Servant Leadership

Army Strategy Conference - What Will Next-Gen Leaders Need To Be? - U.S. Army War College

Army Strategy Conf. - Strategy Leader Qualities - U.S. Army War College

Army Strategy Conf. - Where Will the Military Find Its Future Strategic Leaders? - U.S. Army War College

Defense Management

Resource Management with Prof. Frederick Gellert

Management: Books

"In 2012 and 2013, Jim had the honor to serve as the Class of 1951 Chair for the Study of Leadership at the United States Military Academy at West Point. He came away from the experience inspired by the young women and men he had met, and learned from. In 2015, he consolidated his reflections into a talk for the Global Leadership Summit, organized into seven questions. While its message speaks to leaders of all ages, Jim developed the talk with those under age 35 very much in mind."
"In his Keynote address, Jim Collins looks ahead at our changing world and through that lens, builds upon the timeless principles of Peter Drucker."

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