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The Officer Profession: Strategic Awareness – Geopolitics, Geoeconomics, and Technology: Open Source

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"The World Next Week" from the Council on Foreign Relations

"CFR offers the weekly podcast 'The World Next Week,' in which Editor Robert McMahon and Senior Vice President and Director of Studies James M. Lindsay give a preview of international developments to watch in the week ahead."

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Renewing America: Ideas and Initiatives for Rebuilding American Economic Strength (Council on Foreign Relations Blog)

"The United States faces enormous challenges created by an increasingly dynamic and competitive global economy. This blog offers a portal to the 'Renewing America' initiative, which sponsors research, analysis, policy ideas, and dialogue on how best to revitalize the country's economic strength and build the foundations for future prosperity and influence."

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Chantam House (UK): Undercurrents

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DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) News

"With more than 200 different programs across the spectrum of science and engineering, DARPA frequently has news to share. We regularly announce the launch of new programs, contract awards and -- most exciting -- compelling results from our ongoing research." 

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Armed With Science

“'Armed with Science' is a daily blog site for the Department of Defense that incorporates print, video, and social media assets over 50 scientific organizations across the Federal government. These efforts were recognized with the 2009 APEX Award for Publication Excellence and the PR News Nonprofit PR Award."