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USAHEC Educators' Toolbox: Field Trips at the USAHEC

USAHEC's source toolbox for educators

A Field Trip to the USAHEC's Museum and Army Heritage Trail provides students with an immersive experience to discover our Nation's and Army's past.

The USAHEC Army Heritage Trail is open for teacher-guided field trips.

Self Guided Field Trip

Teachers are welcome to bring their students for self guided field trips any time of the year.  Reenactors are NOT available for Self-Guided Field Trips.  Please see the following rules and information:

  • Observe all posted signage announcing masking and social distancing rules and policies.
  • Optional: Email the USAHEC Education Team to schedule your Self-Guided Field Trip  (
  • Provide at least one chaperone per 10 students.
  • When INSIDE the building, students must be in groups no larger than 10, and must have a chaperone with them. 
  • Scavenger Hunts are downloadable on this page and and Activity Books are available if requested at the time you book your trip. Both are STEM and Common Core aligned.

Field Trip Stations on the Army Heritage Trail

To get a better look at the Army Heritage Trail, please visit the trail web page.

  • French and Indian War Waystation: Students will learn how the supply station supported the British line against Native American and French aggression in the French and Indian War. Walking through in the 18th century style "Logg House," students will see how wood and cement "chinking" aided construction of these structures along Forbes Road around Carlisle and early westward expansion.
  • Carlisle Forge: Students are treated to a fully operational version of the forges General Washington built as part of the "Public Works of Carlisle." While learning about metalwork during the Revolutionary War, students will receive a firsthand look at the making of tools in the forge through their living historian, who is also a trained blacksmith.
  • Blockhouse: Modeled off of 18th and 19th century fortifications, the Blockhouse exhibits a form of troop defense from the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812. Students will observe different aspects of the building used for weapons firing and bullet resistance, and they will be able to go inside and view this lookout post up-close.
  • Civil War Cabins: Students will live the life of Civil War Soldiers while exploring the officer, cook, and enlisted men's winter cabins. While looking through the cabins, students will learn about Soldiers' schedules off of the battlefield through handling gear and even marching in a reenacted drill exercise lead by their living historian.
  • World War I Allied Trench Station: "Over the Top" - Students will learn an overview of World War I with general dates, key players, places, and countries fighting with focus on the life style, equipment, and uniform of a Soldier during life in the trench.
  • German Pillbox: Students test out the protective reinforcements of the Pillbox, the main fortification on the German-French battlefield in World Wars I and II. During navigation of the underground tunnel, students will pass through steel reinforced concrete and cast-iron armor Germans used to combat advanced Allied artillery and learn about the weaponry it housed.
  • World War II Core Area : Students will become recruits at the USAHEC's World War II Core Area, a model of the induction centers where draftees and recruits were processed into the Army. Between the barracks, mess hall and Company Headquarters building, students will discover how new Soldiers learned the "Army 101."
  • Vietnam Fire Base: Built as a protective space, Fire Support Bases (FSBs) housed command, medical, and artillery support in the Vietnam War. Students will wander through a FSB's "hooch" shelter, see 105mm howitzers, and interact with period gear.

Field Trip Lesson Plans

Does your class not have time for a full field trip?

Download our Scavenger Hunts and enjoy the Army Heritage Trail and the Soldiers Experience Gallery on your own time!

If you plan to bring your students to the USAHEC for a scavenger hunt, please give us a call in advance to let us know how many students you plan to bring!

The USAHEC always has events, lectures, and other educational programming available to the public.