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Indo-Pacific: Japan and the Korean Peninsula

“Brothers at War: The Unending Conflict in Korea” by Dr. Sheila Miyoshi Jager

U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center. September 29, 2015, streaming video, 57:08.

2nd Annual Atlantic Council-Korea Foundation Forum

Atlantic Council. March 5, 2019, streaming video, 3:55:55. "The Atlantic Council and Korea Foundation's annual forum brings officials and senior experts from the United States and Republic of Korea to develop forward-looking recommendations on priority issues for the US-ROK security alliance and economic partnership, while addressing the long-term vision for the future of the relationship. This year's forum, in the immediate aftermath of the second Trump-Kim summit, will access the results of the Hanoi summit and explore the path forward for the denuclearized and peaceful Korean peninsula."

'South Korea at the Crossroads: Autonomy and Alliance in an Era of Rival Powers' by Scott A. Snyder

Council on Foreign Relations. January 9, 2018, streaming video, 46:30.

Our Greater Alliance, Making Peace: A Conversation With President Moon Jae-in

Council on Foreign Relations. September 26, 2018, streaming video, 1:02:04.

"The Impossible State: North Korea" Podcast from the Center for Strategic and International Studies

North Korea's Medium-Range Missiles

Center for Strategic and International Studies. September 11, 2019, streaming video, 2:21.

North Korea's Secret Missile Operating Bases

Center for Strategic and International Studies. February 26, 2019, streaming video, 1:32.

"Denuclearization" in North Korea

Council on Foreign Relations. April 23, 2019, streaming video, 1:39.

Implications of the U.S.-North Korea Summit

Center for Strategic and International Studies. March 7, 2019, streaming video, 2:05:20.

U.S.-North Korea Relations: Any Progress on Nonproliferation Efforts?

Council on Foreign Relations. April 9, 2018, streaming video, 1:00:31.

The Future of U.S.-North Korea Relations

Council on Foreign Relations. February 21, 2019, streaming video, 1:03:43.

Lecture of Opportunity | Narushige Michishita: The History of North Korea’s Brinkmanship Diplomacy

Council on Foreign Relations. January 4, 2016, streaming video, 1:20:40.

Is U.S.-North Korea Normalization Possible? A Russian Perspective

Center for Strategic & International Studies. April 19, 2019, streaming video, 1:12:08.

Most Recent Annual Reports to the US Congress about the Democratic People's Republic of Korea

The Importance of U.S.-Japan-Korea Trilateral Defense Cooperation

Center for Strategic and International Studies. August 28, 2019, steaming video, 45:00.

Korean Peninsula


The Pacific Review Volume 31, 2018 - Issue 4: “New Directions in Japan’s Security: Non-U.S. Centric Evolution” 8 articles. Pacific Review 31, no. 4 (July 2018)

Beyond Nuclear Diplomacy: A Regime Insider's Look at North Korea

Center for Strategic and International Studies. October 31, 2017, streaming video, 1:04:15.

How North Korea Exploits Cryptocurrency

Royal United Services Institute. April 24, 2019, streaming video, 3:28. "Kayla Izenman gives an overview of how her paper reveals how North Korea can exploit cryptocurrency, particularly in Southeast Asia, to circumvent international sanctions. She sets out practical guidance for countries in the region to ensure resiliency against the risk of North Korean cryptocurrency activity.'

The Gathering Health Storm in North Korea

Center for Strategic and International Studies. October 2, 2018, streaming video, 1:12.

A View Inside North Korea: Surveys of Actual North Korean Citizens

Center for Strategic and International Studies. March 2, 2018, streaming video, 2:21.

Mt. Fuji DC Event: The U.S.-Japan Alliance at 60

“Center for Strategic and International Studies. September 9, 2020, 58:18. Program begins about 0:26. Sixty years ago this year, the U.S. and Japan signed the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security. This Alliance has been integral to ensuring strong relations between the two nations and contributing to global peace and prosperity. In cooperation with the Mt. Fuji Dialogue, this event will celebrate the Alliance and assess how the two countries can continue to work together to maintain peace and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond.”

Indo-Pacific Economic Architecture: From Blueprint to Reality

Atlantic Council. October 22, 2018, streaming video, 1:29:42. "Please join the Atlantic Council's Asia's Security Initiative, housed within the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, for a discussion of Japan’s Free and Open Indo-Pacific Strategy. The discussion will feature three visiting speakers from Japan and South Korea, and address the future of this strategy in a changing global security and economic architecture, and its implications for US-Japan relations."

Japan’s National Defense Strategy

Center for Strategic and International Studies. Jan 16, 2019, streaming video, 1:01:41.

Japan-U.S. Military Statesmen Forum 2019

Center for Strategic & International Studies. August 2, 2019, streaming video, 2:00:25.

2019 U.S.-Japan Security Seminar: Challenges and Opportunities for the Alliance

Center for Strategic and International Studies. January 9, 2019, streaming video, 2:02:06. Program begins at 18:10

U.S.-Japan Alliance

Center for Strategic and International Studies. October 3, 2018, streaming video, 1:32:53. Event begins at 22:45.

Japanese Views on China and Taiwan: Implications for the U.S.-Japan Alliance

Center for Strategic and International Studies. March 1, 2018, streaming video, 2:59:40.

Japan Rearmed by Sheila A. Smith

Council on Foreign Relations. April 4, 2019, streaming video, 44:17.

Book Event with Sheila A. Smith: Japan Rearmed: The Politics of Military Power

Center for Strategic & International Studies. June 10, 2019, streaming video, 51:56.

The Article II Mandate: Forging a Stronger Economic Alliance between the United States and Japan

Center for Strategic and International Studies. December 3, 2018, streaming video, 1:48:21.

Business and Policy Views of Changing U.S.-Japan Relations

Center for Strategic and International Studies. November 16, 2018, 3:54:07. Program begins at 33:20.

With or Without You: How Japan and the United States are Shaping Asian Economic Integration

Center for Strategic and International Studies. October 22, 2018, streaming video, 3:44:11. The event begins at 21:46.

Africa, Japan, and the United States

Center for Strategic and International Studies. July 22, 2019, streaming video, 1:23:06.

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