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Indo-Pacific: Maritime and Territorial Disputes

China’s Maritime Ambitions in the First Island Chain and Beyond

Center for Strategic and International Studies. November 18, 2019, streaming video, 3:29:36.

Defusing the South China Sea Disputes: A Regional Blueprint

Center for Strategic and International Studies. October 15, 2018, streaming video, 1:36:40. Event begins at 18:05.

Ninth Annual South China Sea Conference

Center for Strategic & International Studies Conference. July 24, 2019, streaming video, 2:35:41. “This full-day conference will provide opportunities for in-depth discussion and analysis of developments in the South China Sea over the past year and potential paths forward. Panels will address the state of play in the South China Sea, the history and historiography of disputes in the South China Sea, pathways for dispute management, and the global stakes related to the South China Sea. • State of Play in the South China Sea • How Did We Get Here? History and Historiography • Pathways for Dispute Management • Global Stakes”

Asian Waters: The Struggle Over the South China Sea and the Strategy of Chinese Expansion

Center for Strategic and International Studies. June 22, 2018, streaming video, 1:23:05.

Maritime Security Dialogue: Shifting to the High-End Fight

Center for Strategic & International Studies. May 15, 2019, streaming video, 57:37.

Murky Waters: Maritime Security in the East and South China Seas

Atlantic Council. March 30, 2018, streaming video, 1:19:40.

The Modern Origins of China's South China Sea Claim

Center for Strategic and International Studies. September 22, 2016, streaming video, 59:59.

A Net Assessment of China's Naval Power 2005-2030

Royal United Services Institute. Febrary 23, 2017, streaming video, 47:22.

China's Maritime Militias in the South China Sea

Center for Strategic and International Studies. July 24, 2019, streaming video, 2:20.

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